Ntdll.dll file will be automatically installed in the System32 folder on your computer after performing the operating system installation. This file contains the kernel functions necessary for Windows to run normally. You may face the ntdll.dll error even while starting any program, surfing the internet, turning off the computer or turning the computer on. Although it is not a pleasant situation, the solutions we will provide below will help you to eliminate the problem.
Ntdll.dll Error Solution Suggestions
We have 2 different suggestions for solving the ntdll.dll error. You can reach the solution by trying these suggestions one by one.
Re-register the Ntdll.dll File
Many users prefer to reinstall ntdll.dll using the “regsver32.exe” part to fix the error.
Click on the “Start” section, type “cmd” and after exiting “Command System” apply the “Ctrl + Shift + Enter” combination and run as administrator.
In the command system, type the following codes and press the “Enter” key.
exe / u ntll.dll
exe ntdll.dll
After starting the codes, restart your computer and check if the error has been resolved.
Replace Ntdll.dll With A New One
At this point, you need to replace the damaged ntdll.dll file with a new one. At this point, make sure that the source from which you downloaded the new file is reliable. We made the file available to download for you and at the same time stated the virus tests right next to it.
32 Bit: Download Ntdll.dll – Virus Results
64 Bit: Download Ntdll.dll – Virus Results
In addition, the path of the ntdll.dll file may differ according to the Windows versions. Accordingly, you should check both of the following ways.
For x86 (32-bit): This PC> C: \ Windows \ System32
For x64 (64-bit): This PC> C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64
After replacing the downloaded file with the original ntdll.dll file, follow the steps below.
Enter the “Start” menu and start the application by typing “cmd” and “Ctrl + Shift + Enter” when the “Command System” appears.
Type “regsvr32 ntdll.dll” in command system and press “Enter” key.
After completing these procedures, you can check that the problem has been resolved by restarting your computer.