
How to Set Up a Signature in Webmail


An email signature is a personalized block of text at the bottom of an email.

The Webmail interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email Accounts >> Check Email ) does not have a setting for assigning a signature for your email to use. You will need to configure signatures within the Webmail Client that you use.

Configure a signature in Roundcube

To create an email signature in the Roudcube Webmail Client, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Roundcube.
  2. Click Settings in the side menu bar.
  3. Click Identities in the first panel.
  4. Click an existing identity, or click Create to create a new identity.
  5. The email that appears is the email that will use this signature.
  6. Enter the desired signature in the Signature text field.
  7. Click Save.

Configure a signature in Horde

To create an email signature in the Horde Webmail Client, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Horde.
  2. Click the gear icon to open the Settings menu.
  3. Under Preferences, click on Mail.
  4. Click Personal Information.
  5. The Your From: address: (optional) text box is for the email address that will use this signature.
  6. Enter the desired signature in the text box above where it says “Save sent mail?”.
  7. Click Save.

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