Manage Reseller’s Shared IP
Valid for versions 82 through the latest version
This interface allows you to specify a shared IP address for a reseller. Multiple resellers can use the same shared IP address; however, a reseller can only dedicate the shared IP address to one account.
Specify a shared IP
To specify a shared IP address for a reseller, perform the following steps:
If more than one reseller exists on the server, select the desired reseller from the menu and click Submit. A new interface will appear.
Select the desired IP address from the menu. This menu lists all of your server’s IP addresses and labels them as follows:
Delegated IP addresses and their resellers.
Dedicated IP addresses and their accounts.
Shared IP addresses and their resellers.
Click Save.
If the function succeeds, the following message appears (where example
represents the user):
Shared (IP-less) IP for example is now
Otherwise, the following message appears (where example represents the user):
Failed to set shared (IP-less) IP for example: Supplied IP address is invalid.
To change the IP address for an existing account, use WHM’s List Accounts interface (WHM >> Home >> Account Information >> List Accounts).