Assign IPv6 Address

Valid for versions 82 through the latest version





Due to networking requirements, you cannot run an IPv6-only cPanel & WHM server. You must have at least one IPv4 address.

Users with root-level privileges can assign IPv6 addresses to the server’s accounts. For more information about IPv6, read our Guide to IPv6 documentation.

Getting started

Before you use this interface to assign dedicated IPv6 addresses, you must perform the following:

  • Enable IPv6 on the server and use WHM’s IPv6 Ranges interface (WHM >> Home >> IP Functions >> IPv6 Ranges) to add IPv6 ranges. If you have not added IPv6 ranges to the server, the interface displays a No IPv6 ranges have been added. message.

  • For IPv6 to function on a cPanel & WHM server, the cpsrvd daemon must listen on IPv6 addresses. To enable this functionality, select On for the Listen on IPv6 Addresses setting in the System section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings).

To use this interface to assign a shared IPv6 address to one or more users, you must configure a shared IPv6 address in WHM’s Basic WebHost Manager Setup interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Basic WebHost Manager Setup). Do not assign or configure a shared IPv6 address that exists within an IPv6 range. The system will block any shared IPv6 addresses that exist within this range.

  • When you use this interface to assign IPv6 ranges, the system erases any IPv6 addresses that you assigned to the selected users via other methods.

  • If you see an Apache must be recompiled or Apache should be recompiled warning at the top of this interface, recompile EasyApache 4.

Select an Account

To review IPv6 information for a specific account, select the desired account username from the Select an Account menu. The interface displays the account’s IPv6 information.

  • To search for a specific username or primary domain, enter the username or primary domain in the Filter Accounts text box.

  • Click the select all icon () to select all of the accounts on the server.

Account information

If you already assigned an IPv6 address range to the selected account, the interface displays the following information:

  • IPv6 Address — The account’s IPv6 address.

  • Primary Domain — The account’s main domain.

  • IPv6 Subdomain — A link to the account’s IPv6 subdomain. Click this link to navigate to, where represents the account’s main domain. This address resolves to the assigned IPv6 address.

Enable IPv6

To assign an IPv6 address to the selected account, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the desired IPv6 address range from the Enable this account with an IPv6 address from the selected range menu.

    • You must select a range that includes available addresses.
    • To assign the server’s shared IPv6 address to an account, select The server’s shared IPv6 address. This address functions as a shared, rather than dedicated, address.

      Your server may use a Stateless Autoconfigured Address (SLAAC) address that your MAC address determines. This address changes if your hardware changes. For example, if you replace your ethernet card, the new card receives a new IPv6 address. This causes the old address’s VirtualHosts to use the wrong IPv6 address.

  2. Click Enable Account. When you enable IPv6 on an account, the system performs the following actions:

    • Binds that IPv6 address to your server.
    • Adds a AAAA record for the DNS zone on the domains that the account owns.

      An enabled account maintains its IPv6 address information even if you enable it again with a different IPv6 address range.

Disable IPv6

Click Disable Account to remove the IPv6 address from the selected account.

When you disable IPv6 on an account, the system unbinds that IPv6 address from your server and the account loses the address. If you enable IPv6 on that account again, the system assigns it a different IPv6 address.